Amazon is an incredible market platform where you can get absolutely everything under one roof. Do you know that the site is also saturated with fake sellers who trade sham products? You could buy them unknowingly and get the shock of your life. Here’s how you can avoid them, read this keenly so that you will not cry yourself to sleep.
The Amazon Brand Registry, what is it?
It might seem like a bombastic word, but typically, it is a measure used to protect a logo or brand name. This way, some weirdo will not take your label and showcase it as theirs. Can you imagine a scenario where you have worked day and night to design a brand then someone steals it? It is utterly unsetting, and I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.
How Does It Work?
Without sugar-coating the process, it is quite a daunting task to secure your brand. You have to undergo a series of steps like those in security checks when you visit the Whitehouse. Further, some countries are only allowed, which makes it even more peculiar. If you are in the US, UK, Spain, Germany, Brazil, Canada, Japan, France, Spain, Italy, India, and Mexico, you are eligible. You can term them as the chosen few. The other countries cannot sail in this boat.
After that, you can now describe your brand using all the fancy words that you can get. Don’t go overboard though, because it will throw confusion to your clients. You need to be clear and precise about your line of products.
You can add some life to the brand by uploading high-grade images. This will be easy because you are the design master. Make it looking super appealing to lure customers. You should not upload scary signs because it will petrify your customers. I don’t need to open your items only for me to scream my heart out. I’m sure you have seen those creepy labels. Please don’t give your clients a heart attack.
It gets interesting with Amazon Brand Registry since you can search for logos that are similar to yours. How cool is this? It means that you can keep tabs on people who are trying to copy your original sample. Then, you can report them to Amazon after gathering concrete evidence. Here, you will be an FBI agent disguise which gives you an adrenaline rush.
The highlight is that you can check on how customers rate you. For this reason, you will know if you are doing well and apt yourself on the back. If not, pull up your socks for more sales.
Bottom Line
The Amazon Brand Registry is worth it if you are into business. Digitization has created people who get smarter each day in forgery. The last thing you want to do is lose your name to someone who didn’t move a finger to help you establish your style. You need to guard your brand jealously as your life depends on it. It is worth your time.
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